Archive for December 20, 2006

Here are some qualities that I think an individual must possess to test effectively a software application though there can be some disagreements ( If yes then comment pls).


  1. Good Communication Skill
  2. Good Error Guessing
  3. Good Analytical Skill
  4. Knowledge of Programming Concepts

Reply back..



Error Seeding: Error Seeding is a statistical method used to assess the number and characteristics of the faults remaining in the program. First faults are seeded into the program. Then the program is tested and the number of faults discovered is used to estimate the number of faults yet undiscovered. A difficulty with this technique is this that the seeded errors should represent the yet undiscovered errors.

Fault Injection: An incorrect step, process or data definition in a program (code). The outgrowths of a mistake produce by a human action that produces the incorrect result (a failure e.g. a fault causing an OS to lock-up.) Fault injection has been extensively used in the last decade to evaluate fault tolerance mechanisms and to assess the impact of faults in the systems. A measure issue is to assure that the injected faults are representative of actual faults, as this is the necessary condition to obtain meaningful results. First faults are seeded into the program. Then the program is tested and the number of faults discovered is used to estimate the number of faults yet undiscovered.

Keep Learning..
